
Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Chapter 8: Drinking Alcohol (wine)

Understanding wine

Alcohol is the intoxicant. In the Arabic language is called wine, derived from the word khamara means cover. A person who drinks wine or liquor, usually drunk, loses his mind closed path of truth, and they forget themselves and forget Allah.

Drinking alcohol is illegal ruling, either small or large, the law drunk or not, except during emergencies, and the wine that is unclean ainnya. God's Word says:

"O you who believe that alcohol and gambling, and idol worship and vote the fate of the rods of arrows are just dirty (unclean / impure) of the act of the devil. So you avoid that ye may prosper. "

(Surah Al-Maidah verse 90)


In criminal syar'iyyah Qanun, which has been found guilty of a drink or any intoxicating liquor, whether he was drunk atai not, should be sentenced to whipping of not more than 80 lashes and not less than 40 lashes. This sentence is berdalilkan hadith narrated from the Messenger of Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah says:

"He's menyebat who drink alcohol by 40 lashes, and Abu Bakr was menyebat of 40 lashes as well, and 'Umar menyebat of 80 lashes. They are Rasulaullah's sunnah and this is the most Akau love ".

KESABITAN OFFENCES drinking (wine)

To convict a person drinks alcohol offenses (liquor) is the subject under three reasons:

i) beer is the drink wine, the intoxicating liquor and that removes the human mind

ii) The person knows that drinking is just intoxicating beverages consumed and closed minds.

iii) Accidental guilty of intoxicating drinks.

A person can drink intoxicating beverages, and he does not know that by drinking it will become drunk can not be sentenced to a limit on the consumption of the drink, even just drinking it because of a drunk.


The person who commits an offense to drink alcohol (wine), which must be hadd punishment is subject under the following conditions:

i) joker
ii) Sanity
iii) The will of its own without being forced by anyone
iv) the beer into the cavity through the mouth

Children - child or adult who has not possessed a drink (wine) is not liable to hadd punishment on them, because their actions can not be considered a crime that is punishable syar'iyyah hadd. This is berdalilkan hadith of the Prophet's meaning: -

"He will not punish those three people, namely children until puberty, the sleeping person until he got up from sleep, and the insane until he recovered from the madness.

(Reported in Sahih Bukhari)

EVIDENCE-PROOF OF OFFENCES convicted drink (wine)

Evidence - evidence that convicts a person is drinking alcohol offenses (liquor) which can be hadd punishments are as follows: -

1) The Shahada (testimony)
2) Pledge (confession)

Error drinking alcohol (wine) may be proved by oral evidence given by two witnesses or by affirmation (confession) made by the accused oarang with the connivance of his own without coercion from any party.

The witnesses of the prosecution or Exxon must consist of two men who have enough conditions. If the witnesses are all made up of women or a man with a few women, but their testimony is not admissible and can not be convicted of the alleged offense today, because their testimony could lead to doubts.

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